Winter has arrived in Great Falls


Seems that over the past few months we here in Montana have experienced what I like to call an extended Chinook.

High temps for the most part averaged around 50 degrees for quite a while up until a few days ago.

The national weather service has predicted a low temp for Friday night to be right around 36 degrees below zero and a high temp for Saturday to be around 14 degrees below zero.

Though some folks here might hunker down during the bad weather, most of us just go on about our day, including most of our schools.

Our schools are fairly proactive as a rule and upon after seeing that our weather was about to turn, the Great Falls Public Schools put out this notice:

“Assume that school will be in session and buses will be running as scheduled unless there is official notification from the Superintendent to the contrary.

The Superintendent may order the cancellation of some or all bus routes; the delay of some or all bus routes; the closure of school; the delay of school start; and/or the early dismissal of school.

Parents should seek out information but try not to call the school. Notification may be made or accessed in the following ways:

• *Mass phone and/or voicemail notification from the GFPS automated attendance system (Remind)
• GFPS Twitter: @GFPublicSchools
• Facebook:
• GFPS Website:
• Media Twitter and websites: @KRTV,, @KFBB., @GFTribune,
• Radio Stations: FM: 92.9, 94.5, 97.9, 98.9, 101.7, 102.7, 104.9, and 106.1
AM: 560 and 1450 (Please be aware that GFPS has no control over media or radio station announcements.)
• Call 406-268-6444 for a recorded message (you may reach a busy signal depending on caller volume)

Be sure to access the Crisis Manager App on your phone for additional directions.

*Remind notifications will only be made when large groups of parents need to do something (i.e. keep students home, pick students up, etc.).

Mass phone and voicemail notifications are not sent for announcements that do not require parents to take action of some kind.

Information about Remind and Crisis Manager can be found at this website: Manager-Notice-2020.pdf

Please note: If the decision is to operate as usual, there will NOT be postings or announcements.

Parents have the right and responsibility to make attendance decisions for your children based on your individual circumstances.”

This most current stretch of below zero weather is looking to stay with us for 3 or 4 days. On Tuesday, when temps finally warm up to the mid 20’s it’s going to feel like a heatwave.

Though our kids aren’t going to get a snow-day out of this latest round of weather, there are some kids around the state that will.

Lewistown schools (along with various after school activities) will be closed on Friday, along with schools in Power, Flathead County, Noxon, Thompson Falls, and Trout Creek.

Winter has definitely arrived in Great Falls, and around the state.


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