Underpass on Montana Avenue in Helena?


Saw on the news this morning that the subject of an underpass or overpass at Montana Ave in Helena is being discussed again.

Montana Ave video:


… from krtv

“First, the tracks are close to the intersection of Montana Avenue, Lyndale Avenue, and Helena Avenue – often referred to as “malfunction junction.”

Knoepke said an overpass or underpass could interfere with that already challenging intersection.

Second, an overpass or underpass could cutoff access to the many businesses near the tracks.

Third, Knoepke said the railroad needs to keep running through construction.”KRTV

I’ve been through that intersection many many times as I’m pretty sure that most of you have too.

Based on how that intersection looks I’d have to say that the better money would be on the railroad actually building a viaduct over the top of everything.

This way, none of the businesses would be affected and no one would ever have to stop for the train as it passed over.

sourced –
KRTV — Montana Railfan


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