Social Cookies


If you visit very often, you might notice a link in the main menu above that says and points to Social Cookies.

Social Cookies is essentially a social networking platform. Very plain, non-intrusive, and light. Not an ad server like Twitter or Facebook. A simple place for our friends and neighbors here in Montana to socialize without all of the noise.

… with the public setting you are visible to everyone else on the platform and not the internet at large … with settings set to private, you are only visible to your friends and followers on the platform … same goes for your blogs & groups.

… When you join, you’ll notice that things like birthdays, gender, phone, and location isn’t required … you are who you are because … you know … people.

You don’t need an app for this .. simply bookmark the web address to the start screen on your phone and you’re done.

The platform itself won’t be wholly supported by ads like the big boys are, so you won’t have to be too concerned about looking at stuff you aren’t really interested in.

The platform is pretty much intended to be a private alternative for our friends and neighbors here in Montana.

The data belongs to you exclusively. If for some reason you decide that this platform isn’t for you, then you’ll be able to download it before you close your account.
Data from closed accounts will be purged, so be sure to collect it via download before you leave.

Any questions?

Simply leave them in the comments below and I’ll jump right up to answer them.

Thanks for the read


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