Red Ants Pants Music Festival – Under the Big Sky


The three day Red Ants Pants Music Festival hosts 16,000 people annually, with the proceeds going to the Red Ants Pants Foundation.

Festival opens on July 27th and wraps up on July 31st.

Visit for all of the details/pricing/tickets

See the video:

In 2006 Sarah Calhoun moved to the 900 person town of White Sulphur Springs to start an apparel company.

Workwear for women was a product that previously didn’t exist until Sarah came along and recognized the need.

The company’s name came naturally. In colonies of red ants, “women do all the work.”

As excitement and momentum gathered around the company so did the scope of it’s goals.

The Foundation gives out grants to women’s leadership, working family farms/ranches and rural communities, all of which parallel the mission of Red Ants Pants.

For more info please visit:


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