Museum of the Rockies: Bozeman, Montana


I’ve often said that you can live in Montana your entire life and never really ever see it all.
True or not, we are the 4th largest state in the Union, and there is plenty enough to see and experience, adding memories that will surely last a lifetime.

If you aren’t one to being up to hiking the Bob Marshal back country, but still want a bit of adventure, why not stop in to the MOR (Museum of the Rockies) to see Montana as it once might have been thousands of years ago.

The Museum of the Rockies has stellar dinosaur exhibits including an Edmontosaurus jaw with its incredible battery of teeth, the largest T. Rex skull in the world, and a full T. Rex (with only a slightly smaller skull). Laser planetarium shows are interesting, as is the living-history outdoors section (closed in winter).


Fossils have been found across much of Montana and the paleontology department at MOR is dedicated to researching the deep past of the state and surrounding regions. Within the museum’s walls is one of the largest collections of North American dinosaurs in the world, including many examples of the gigantic carnivorous Tyrannosaurus Rex and a growth series of the horned Triceratops which ranges from juveniles to giants.

Check out the photo gallery below to see some of what you can find at MOR (Museum of the Rockies)

600 W Kagy Blvd – Bozeman, MT

Ph: 406-994-2251

Visit Museum of the Rockies

Hours: 8am-6pm Jun-Aug, 9am-5pm Sep-May

Price: adult/child $14.50/9.50


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