Kate’s Ag – Montana red winter wheat harvest 2023


Back in the late ’70’s early ’80’s I had the opportunity to cut wheat in Kansas and Nebraska. At the time I was somewhat surprised to be assigned a new Gleaner N7 equipped with an AC 24′ header. That usually didn’t happen with somebody my age back in the day, as younger folks were usually assigned to much older equipment.

I may not have realized it at the time, but upon looking back, I really learned a lot about dry-land farming back in those days. All we ever did was straight cut back in Kansas, sometimes nearly dogging the header into the ground to get wheat that might have been laid lower by the wind.

In the video below:

Kate explains the differences between swathing and straight cutting wheat (among some other things). It’s a great video and I hope you enjoy it.

Working the harvest is something that I think more young people should try at least once in their lifetime. The rewards far outweigh the heat and the occasional equipment breakdowns.

More about Kate:

According to her site, Kate Stephens, is a 19-year-old 4th-generation Montana farmer. Her family has been farming wheat in north-central Montana since her great-grandfather immigrated from Denmark in 1912 and homesteaded north of Great Falls.

Her family has been teaching her about farming since she was two years old. She operates one of the combines on the farm at harvest.

She also believes that it is important for everyone to know where their food comes from and the families who produce it.
She loves her farm, and hopes that her Farm to Fashion and Farm to Table products can help educate people about where their food comes from in a fun way.

You can catch up with Kate:

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kates_ag/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/katesag

Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/kates_ag/

You can also grab your very own Kate’s Ag Tote Bag or Kate’s Ag 100% Cotton Grown in the U.S.A. T-Shirt by visiting her website: https://www.katesag.com

If you have a farm that you would like Kate to feature, you are encouraged to contact her at: info@katesag.com

Thanks for the read.

Happy Trails


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