Pan-Fried Trout (for camp or kitchen)


To prepare fresh brook or other pan-sized trout, clean and scale if necessary, soak in salted water for 1/2 hour to remove film from fish. Rinse thoroughly and remove head (optional). Dry. Dip in beaten egg and roll in rich cracker crumbs sprinkled with seasoning salt. Fry in hot fat. When golden brown on one side, turn and brown on the other. Turn only once.
These are especially good, fresh caught, cooked over a campfire in a heavy skillet, using the grease from fried bacon strips. Fire should be hot but not flaming so fish will not cook too fast or burn. Cook only until they flake easily when tested.
Top with crisp bacon.

J. McGrath

Note: Here is a good accompaniment for pan-fried fish when not using bacon for frying. Sauté chopped green onions with fresh or canned mushrooms in butter. Add a little sherry or white wine and heat. Do not boil. Serve with fish for brunch, along with minted fresh fruit and blueberry muffins.